Happy June

Soon the Summer Solstice will be amongst us, here in the Northern Hemisphere, so let us take this moment from The Earth Sea Love Podcast to wish you LIGHT!

And thank you for coming back for a listen to our next episode.

We are so proud that we are continuing to bring you, our listeners, beautiful and thought-provoking episodes which we hope inspire and support your healing and creative journeys.

This episode your host, Dr Sheree Mack is talking with Mindy Tsonas, a maker and creator of spaces where healing and radical change are welcome.

In this episode the conversation explores:

* place in nature

* {BEING} is a changing thing

* the magic of seeds

* how we must put ourselves in the way of belonging

* how we all already belong

* dismantling the stories that we don’t belong

* taking inspiration and wisdom from nature

* our interconnectedness

* self care is community care

* radicale and radical – the root of it all

* generative practices and systems

* creativity and nature

* co-creation and community

* giving indigenous practices and wisdom their proper respect and recognition.


Bio: Mindy Tsonas is a maker, manyeo and cultural organizer who facilitates circles of creativity, collective belonging and care. She believes in using art and alchemy as mediums for generative connection, somatic healing and radical change. As a transracial, transnational adopted person from the South Korean diaspora, this deeply informs her embodied perspective on land and lineage throughout all of her work and organizing.


Mindy’s Website: witchcraftivism.com
Instagram: @mindytsonaschoi
Patreon: Community, Art and practices https://www.patreon.com/mindytsonaschoi
Substack: Writing & Stories https://mindytsonaschoi.substack.com/ (should be up by the time this airs)